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Inclusive Education

  • Special Education teachers are trained to work with students who have been identified by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) as having a disability. A variety of special education programs, ranging from consultant-teacher classes to self-contained classes are available within the District. Special Education teachers work closely with parents, school administrators, counselors and other classroom teachers in order to devlop individualized education programs.

  • Students also have an Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) which is required by law when the student reaches age 14. The ITP helps students prepare for careers, employment, post-secondary education and other aspects of adult life. 

    Our students play the most important role in this process as they practice goal-setting and decision-making skills with our transition counselor.

  • The student IEP is both a process and a product which contains several elements that are required by law. They include:

    • A summary of the student's present performance level
    • Long-term educational goals
    • A list of special education and support services, materials and interventions to be provided, including a timetable and personnel
  • This program offers support with organization, study skills, literacy skills and math skills through abbreviated instructional lessons within the resource room.

  • Consultant teacher services are provided for students with mild handicapping conditions. Special Education teachers go into the student's content class(es) to assist with instruction. Special Education consultant teachers work as a team with the student's classroom teachers to ensure individual needs are met.

  • "Least restrictive environments" at BHs include self-contained classrooms with teacher/student ratios of 12:1:1.