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College Entrance Exams

College entrance tests measure a student’s ability to do college-level work and are required by some four-year colleges and a few two-year colleges. Reviewing standardized test scores allows admissions personnel to compare students from different states, schools and academic backgrounds.


PSAT: High school students should take the PSAT during fall of junior year. It is considered a trial run for the SAT. The PSAT also allows a student to qualify for a scholarship from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. To register for the PSAT, please visit the Continuing Education section of our website.

SAT/ACT: The ACT and SAT are taken in the spring of the junior year to provide additional information about the college(s) of your choice.


SAT/ACT: If you didn’t take the exam in your junior year or if junior year ACT or SAT scores are lower than you think they should be, take an October, November or December exam.


SAT Registration
You can register for your SAT. You can access your SAT question of the day, take a practice SAT test and more.

ACT Registration
You can register for your ACT. You can access the ACT Test Prep Booklet, as well as look at practice questions, test taking tips and more.